Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Soccer Skills Chart

If you didn't feel bad for my daughters having to have me as a dad before, maybe you will now! I've created a chart for them of skills work to keep them busy for the winter. This is all basic foundational stuff, but it really will serve to make them better players in the spring...

And I've decided to share it with you, too!

If you work on it between 15-20 minutes per day, it should take about 2 months to put a sticker on every box (of course we have stickers! What kind of chart wouldn't use stickers!)

Image result for sticker chart clipart

Each of the skills tasks listed is hyperlinked to a YouTube video explanation. You don't have to watch the video everytime you work on the skill, but they should help you get pointed in the right direction.

The "Ball Mastery" section of the chart is from a program called MAESTRO which is described below. Videos for these drills are on the final page of the attached PDF.

MAESTRO is a 7 day program that should be treated as 7 levels. Once you have mastered all of the moves from a particular day of the program, you are ready to move on to the next. The “easier” skills will build the foundation that will allow you to execute the more advanced ones. There are 7 exercises to complete for 60 seconds everyday that have been carefully selected and structured to gradually increase in difficulty to promote a healthy learning speed, followed by a footwork combination that you can practice to challenge your mastery of the exercises together. This program should be supplemental (in addition) to your regular training schedule, not replacing. MAESTRO is designed to give you thousands of EXTRA touches outside of your team and individual training sessions.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Play List

Post your song requests here, and I'll do my best to have them at practice tomorrow!

Image result for michael jackson

Soccer Quarantine Week 1

Watch the introduction video below before completing each of the assigned tasks for this week. After you’ve completed all parts of the assig...